Archive by Author

Side bend

Stand with feet together and reach arms overhead with palms together As you inhale bend your body to the right pressing hips to the left Lengthen the body making sure not to cave either forward or back Hold for a count of 5 then move back to center, and stretch to the left Stretch 5 […]

How to Improve Your Running Pace for Beginners

It’s no secret lockdown has inspired many to lace up running shoes for the first time – or for many, the first time in a long time. It’s a great outlet for keeping fit and expanding surroundings in lockdown beyond your residence and nearest grocery store. But how can you improve on this new hobby […]

Strengthen Your Gut 

The microbes in your gut not only help your body digest food, but they also help regulate your metabolism and your immune system. In fact, almost seventy percent of your immune system is in the gut.  Eating fermented food (think bio-live yogurt, miso, kimchi, kefir, sauerkraut) popping a probiotic or increasing dosage if you are already on […]

Reduce Inflammation

Studies have shown that a high intake of simple sugars  decreases white blood cell production by up to 50%. Eating a diet based on wholefoods and loading up on antioxidant rich vegetables and fruit will boost your overall health and help protect you from other viruses and infections. On the other hand, a diet that […]

Reduce Stress 

Yes, we are living in very strange times however stressing about it to no end is counterproductive. Stress causes an anti-inflammatory response within the body as it activates your fight-or-flight response by releasing stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. This in turn suppresses your immune system which then leaves you more susceptible to infections. […]

Home office posture to get you through Corona Virus.

We all have to do it, but a long day at work sitting in front of a computer can leave us feeling tight through the shoulders, stiff in the neck and suffering with headaches. Due to the posture adopted while sitting at the computer the spine tends to flex forward which can increase the pressure […]

Terrigal Chiropractic COVID19 Clinic Update

To all of our lovely patients and their families, We are in challenging times, and it goes without saying there is a lot of uncertainty across the country. As a patient of our clinic we want to reassure you that we are doing everything at Terrigal Chiropractic and Natural Therapies to ensure your safety and […]

Watch Your Spine When Surfing This Summer!

It’s summer! What better way to celebrate the season in this beautiful country than to be out amongst the surf and sand (all while wearing sunscreen and protective clothing of course), but if you’re one of the 2.7 million recreational surfers in Australia then you’ll want to keep reading. Dr Andrew Burgess, a member of […]

School Lunches Unpacked

One thing I noticed when chatting to other parents about the start of the new school year is that even though everyone is so ready for the kids to go back to school, there is almost always a mention of the chore of making school lunches. The 2 biggest issues are keeping it interesting and […]

Remember SANTA This Christmas!

Christmas is almost here! Whether you’re looking forward to the all the Christmas feasts to come, the break off work or spending time with family, this season is a time for a little R&R (except when we stress about finding those perfect gifts). As much as we want to rest our minds, our spines are […]