Archive by Author

Numbness and Tingling

Numbness and tingling conditions are conditions that can affect people of all ages. Frequently, numbness or tingling may result from underlying nerve compression of the nerve roots as they exit the spine caused by spinal misalignments – what we as Chiropractors call subluxations. Other causes of numbness and tingling are a ‘pinched’ nerve in other […]

Back of Thigh Stretch

Place one foot up on a low surface about knee high with your hands on the thigh. Keep the knee of this leg straight with the toes pointing forward. Bend forward from the hips—not the waist. Keep your lower back flat by bringing your chest towards your knee rather than your head. You should feel […]

Common Running Injuries and Chiropractic

According to research, 82 percent of runners will experience some form of injury throughout their running career. It doesn’t matter if you are an elite athlete training for a marathon or simply starting out on training for your first 5km event. Although running can be extremely beneficial; running can lead to injury. Some of the […]

Tricep Stretch

1. Stand straight up with your legs shoulder width apart 2. Bend your left arm at the elbow and touch the top of your shoulder blade with your fingers 3. Reach over the top of your head with your right arm and grasp your left elbow 4. Gently pull with you right arm to increase […]

Eating the Right Types of Fat

Many people don’t eat enough of the right types of fat. Add healthy natural fats to your diet such as extra virgin olive oil, macadamia nut oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts, seeds and even butter. Fat is satiating and helps to prevent overeating. Fat also improves nutrient absorption from vegetables.

Sacroiliac Joint Pain and Dysfunction

Dysfunction in the sacroiliac joint (SIJ) which is a large joint in your lower back connecting your sacrum to your pelvis, can sometimes cause lower back and/or leg pain. Dysfunction of this joint basically means that it is not operating normally. For decades, the sacroiliac joint was suspected as a common cause of low back […]

Are you Sitting Comfortably in the Office?

Ensure your chair is directly in line with the monitor and your feet flat in the floor. Make sure your lower back is supported – better chairs give lumbar support – and remember to sit up straight. Aim to have your shoulders and hands in a straight line. Keep your forearms parallel and level with […]

S-T-R-E-T-C-H of the Month Active Pigeon

Target: The Piriformis (a deep gluteal muscle) Begin in a full push-up position, palms aligned under shoulders. Place left knee on the floor near shoulder with left heel by right hip. Lower down to forearms and bring right leg down with the top of the foot on the floor (not shown). Keep chest lifted to […]

AFL Injuries and Chiropractic

With the AFL finals being conducted this month we are certainly going to see some rough & tough footy as the 8 final clubs strive to win the 2018 Premiership. At this time many local competitions are wrapping up & the footy at these levels will be just as intense & many players are likely […]

Don’t let the cold get you down

Use these tips to stay fit and healthy! Make sure to drink plenty of fluids, such as water, herbal teas, fresh juices or warm water with honey and lemon, to keep hydrated. Eat a healthy, balanced diet. This will ensure that your body is receiving the right nutrients to support your immune system. Keep your […]