At the first sign of back pain, there are a few simple things you can do to provide short term relief and give your back the best chance of healing quickly. Make sure you call your Chiropractor to book an appointment, below are tips to help you manage your back pain:
Stay active: It may be tempting to stay in bed, it is important to keep moving as much as you comfortably can. By doing this, you can prevent stiffness and relieve muscle spasms. Your Chiropractor can prescribe a gentle exercise program tailored to suit your condition. They can also gradually progress your exercises to help you return to normal function as soon as possible.
Use ice: Ice has been shown to improve pain during the first 48 hours of back pain. A few easy options are ice bags and frozen peas.
Find comfortable positions: Although you should remain as active as possible during the early stages of back pain, there are times when you need to be lying or sitting down. Find positions that allow you the most comfort, especially when sleeping. Using a pillow under the knees when lying on your back and between your knees when lying on your side can offer support and relief from pain. When sitting ensure your lower back is supported. You can use a rolled up towel placed in the small arch of your back. This will help provide support and may relieve the pain.
Stay positive: Back pain is a distressing and disabling condition, but it is important to remember that you will get better. With proper treatment you should regain normal, pain-free movement as well as improving the strength of the key supporting muscles that surround your spine.