Painful shoulder conditions that limit movement are very common, and are caused by injuries affecting the shoulder joint, muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilage.
It is possible to do more movements with the arm than with any other part of the body. The arm is such a useful tool that it’s a pity that there are only two of them!
Since the nerves that supply the shoulder and arm originate from the neck and upper spine, conditions such as Vertebral Dysfunction commonly contribute to pain in the shoulder.

Our practitioners may be able to assist with the following shoulder conditions:
Frozen Shoulder
Chronic Shoulder Pain and Stiffness
Shoulder Muscle Spasm and Tension
Arthritis of the Shoulder
Diagnosis of Shoulder Pain
Rotator Cuff Disorders
Impingement Syndrome
AC Joint Injury
In order to determine the cause of your pain, we will conduct a full physical, orthopaedic and neurological examination of the shoulder, cervical and thoracic spine. You may be asked to perform shoulder range of motion and muscle strength tests. Where the pain is felt, both at rest and during movement of the shoulder, provides important clues as to the cause of the shoulder pain. It may also be necessary to undergo specialized diagnostic tests such as X Ray, Ultrasound and/or MRI scans.
Signs of Shoulder Injury may include restriction in the movements of the shoulder.
Treatment of Shoulder Pain
Regardless of the cause, treatment of the shoulder area requires an experienced practitioner who can test the movements and structures of the shoulder and come to an accurate diagnosis of the problem. The initial objective of all shoulder injuries is to relieve pain and inflammation.