During our busy everyday lives, we experience different forms of stress such as physical stress (accidents, falls, lifting heavy objects, etc.), emotional stress (responsibilities, work, divorce, etc.), and chemical stress (processed foods, drugs, water pollution, etc.) These stresses can often cascade into other problems that may lead to negative structural changes in the spinal bones. Under stress, spinal vertebrae can be misaligned and cause interference to the healthy communication of nerve messages between the brain and body.
Chiropractors call this interference as spinal misalignment and/or subluxation. Disruption to the nerve system will inevitably result in some form of body dysfunction. This could mean the body’s organs, tissues, and cells are either over-worked or under-worked, which can lead to disease.

For over 115 years, chiropractors have empowered people to understand that every function of the body is controlled and directed through the nervous system. Health comes from within. When the nervous system is clear from any interference and the communication from the brain to organs and tissues is 100%, the body is able to function normally and express good health.
Children experience stress and anxiety just as adults do. Their days are jam packed with school work, sports activities, music, spending time with friends and peer pressure. Don’t be fooled. A kid’s stress is just as real as adult’s stress. Just as in adults, stress can cause unhappiness and anxiety. Stress in children can also lead to a lowered immune system. As a result of a stressed immune system, kids can become more susceptible to common illnesses like ear infections, headaches, common colds, and other viruses.
What Chiropractors Do
Chiropractors focus on and place a great deal of significance on the healthy structure of the spine and the function of the nervous system. The master control centre of the body is the nervous system (made up of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves). The spinal bones serve, not only to protect the delicate spinal cord ,but also provide the body with stability, movement and good posture. Now you can see why chiropractors are so concerned about making sure your spine is healthy and maintained throughout life.
A chiropractic adjustment is a great way to release stress and anxiety from your body. Removing interference and anxiety in your nervous system gives your body the ability to heal and regulate at its optimal level. Having your spine looked after and maintained with chiropractic adjustments, as well as living a healthier lifestyle, will certainly go a long way to assisting your overall health and prevent problems in the future.
Chiropractic care is a health care approach based upon the body’s natural ability to heal itself and is a very important step in a commitment to optimal health. Optimal health is one of our most valuable possessions. We should value ourselves enough to strive for the highest level of health. When we take responsibility for the choices we make regarding health, we give ourselves the best opportunity to achieve all of our health goals. Chiropractic care can give us the natural health we deserve when we commit to learning more about our body and take all of the necessary steps to stay well.
It may not be possible to remove the stress from a busy life. However, with the help of your chiropractor, you can respond better to the unique challenges you face.