Category Archives : Wellness

Silence your phone at night

An uninterrupted deep sleep helps your brain process memories, stress, and emotions. It boosts your mood and improves your memory. When you had a deep sleep at night, you will have more energy during the day. Likewise, deep sleep helps rejuvenate your body and repair damaged tissues.

Stand Up

A 2012 Australian study found the more time you spend sitting during the day, the higher your mortality risk soars. And that’s just one of a handful of recent reports linking lots of chair time to serious health risks. The antidote? Stand up. Cutting your sitting time to three hours a day could add years […]

A Surprise Benefit of Exercising

Sometimes we don’t feel in control of our lives, whether we are out of work, in a job we don’t like or having problems in a relationship. Exercise allows us to achieve goals and overcome obstacles regardless of what is happening in other areas of your life.  Increasing the amount of time you can jog […]

Fruit is the Ultimate Fast Food

In some cases, it even comes in its own biodegradable package (think banana peels). If you work in an office, opt for no-mess fruit like apples, bananas or grapes. Fruit will provide you with much-needed energy and nutrients.


Towards Wellness Posture Your posture, how you align your body and use your muscles to keep you in certain positions, is an important consideration in every activity you do including sitting, standing and sleeping. Good posture maximizes your respiratory capacity, allowing other systems, including your digestive and circulatory systems, to work effectively. As you move […]

Find Yourself

  We all have different strengths and weaknesses but finding out what you are really good at and using those talents can increase wellbeing. Using your strengths to help others or contribute to the community creates a sense of meaning and purpose.